Union-Management Collaboration

Zena Zumeta has been providing training and facilitation for union-management collaboration efforts since 1985. Current offerings include the following:

Collaborative Negotiation for Bargaining Teams

A solid, tested approach to improve both bargaining relationships and working relationships without "giving away the store."

Contact us for more information or to schedule a program.

Collaborative Negotiation for Bargaining Teams

Overview Collaborative Negotiation has been used as the basis for improved relationships in bargaining for the past two decades. It is a solid, tested approach to improve both bargaining relationships and working relationships without “giving a…

Benefits of Collaborative Negotiation

Solve Your Toughest Bargaining Challenges Have both sides feel good about the outcome. Both private and public organizations are facing challenges that require focus and cooperation. The alternative is to spend energy and money opposing each other, t…

Four-Part Training and Facilitation

Part One: The Process of Collaborative Negotiations Describes the theory and process of Collaborative Negotiation Looks at your current bargaining relationship, its strengths and weaknesses Introduces problem-solving skills and techniques Teaches how…

Arrange for Collaborative Negotiation in Your Organization

The four-part program is conducted at your site, and times and schedules can be coordinated to best meet your training needs. The program is best done with the actual teams that will be doing the bargaining. Fees vary with the number of participants.…

What Past Participants Say About Collaborative Negotiation

Productive “I never knew that there were techniques that could allow us to work together so well at the bargaining table.” Effective “Collaborative Negotiation works. The program turned our bargaining climate 180 degrees.” Res…